In looking at stocks to buy, many investment pros estimate a fair value for the shares, based on factors including the company's earnings, the rate of revenue growth and the multiples of earnings at which the shares of companies in a particular industry are trading. 在考虑买入哪些股票时,许多投资专家都会根据一系列因素估计股票的公允价值,包括公司收益、收入增长率和特定行业中公司股票的市盈率。
It's not a real figure, of course. It's just an estimate based on rehiring costs, and the potential lost revenue that results from incompetence. 当然算过,不过不是确切数字.而是根据雇佣新员工的成本和员工的不熟练造成的潜在亏损作的估计。
To estimate the potential revenue, the team looked at market size, penetration rates, and price points. 为了估算潜在收益,团队考虑了市场大小,渗透率和价格点。
US officials estimate that the amount of cash leaving Afghanistan exceeds its annual tax and other revenue. 美国官员估计,流出阿富汗的资金额超过了该国每年的税收及其它收入。
A current research priority is to estimate the cost function of public service delivery, which can be used to better assess local fiscal gaps between fiscal needs and revenue capacity. 当前的一个研究重点应该是用量化手段考量各省的公共服务的成本函数,并以此为基础结合各省的财政收支指标,更为准确地估算各省的财政需求和收入能力的差距。
Budgetary estimate for the 600 t/ a synthesizing sodium methoxide with metal sodium, revenue and profit were calculated. 并对抚顺市化工研究设计院600t/a金属钠法合成甲醇钠装置项目进行了概算,同时计算了装置的税收及利润,最后分析了企业的盈利能力和偿债能力。
By the estimate of the net expected revenue variations of six different kinds of the educated, this paper analyzes what is required of different levels of education by the educated. 通过对六种不同级别受教育者的预期终生净收益差异的估计,分析了受教育者对各级教育的需求程度。
Principle of maximum social income require to estimate the revenue and cost of each project of government decision, then choose the one that has maximum net revenue. 最大社会收益原则要求估计公共决策每一方案的收益和成本,选择社会净收益最大的方案。
It is estimated to quantify the economic trade between regions by estimate the principal amount of the goods through revenue datum. Fifth, it is a short-time analysis to discuss relationship between disasters and customs house revenue. 通过数据对各主要的商品进行量的估计,量化经济区域之间的贸易状况。五、探讨灾害与税关税收的关系,这是一个短时段的分析。
The seat inventory control and unconstrained demand estimate in airline revenue management are studied in this dissertation. 本论文研究了航空收益管理中的舱位控制与需求非限化估计问题。
The cost estimate of tax deferred items can be implemented to measure loss interests by either the revenue forgone approach or present value approach. 对税收递延项目的成本估算,可以按收入放弃法原理计算损失的利息,也可以考虑引入现值法的做法。
Ability to estimate the tax revenue is the key aspect of strengthening the relationship between taxation and economic study and the link between taxation policy and economic entities. 税收收入能力估算是实现加强税收与经济关系研究的关键一环,是税收政策和经济实体联系的纽带。